Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

SmartSink tool settings

Sink element/fence to top

Sinks an element or fence contents to the bottom.

Sink element/fence above another element

Sinks an element or fence contents above a second element.

Sink element/fence above a set of elements

Sinks an element or fence contents above an element set. At least one attribute must be specified for the set before choosing the element to raise.

Sink set of elements above an element

Sinks an element set above an element.

Sink set of elements above another set of elements

Sinks an element set above a second set. Element attributes can be changed between the selection of the two sets.

Sink set of elements to bottom

Sinks an element set to the bottom.


Specifies that all elements in a set must share the same level attribute as the element selected.


Specifies that all elements in a set must share the same colour attribute as the element selected.


Specifies that all elements in a set must share the same weight attribute as the element selected.


Specifies that all elements in a set must share the same style attribute as the element selected.


Specifies that all elements in a set must share the same fill attribute as the element selected.


Specifies that all elements in a set must share the same type group as the element selected.

  • Text elements include text and text nodes.

  • Closed elements include complex shapes, shape ellipses, and B-spline shapes.

  • Open elements include curves, complex strings, arcs, lines, line strings, and B-spline curves.

  • Other elements include cells, shared cells, multi-line elements, dimension elements, and others not listed above.

Use Fence

Specifies to use a fence.

Fence Mode

Specifies how the fence is used.